Articles & News

2018 | ISSUE 3
- Ordering a Replacement Label Certification
- The Power of Social Media
- The Genuine Advantage
- Zero Point Calibration

2018 | ISSUE 4
- Battery Maintenance for Hybrid and Auxiliary Batteries
- The Takata Recall
- 2019 Toyota Corolla
- Bonded Glass Openings: To Paint or Not to Paint?
- Repair the Bumper or Replace It?

2016 | ISSUE 1
- Increase Your Knowledge
- Alignment Equals Calibration
- In Japanese "Mirai" Means Future
- Repair Planing the Toyota Way
- New CR&R Trainer Agustin Diaz

2016 | ISSUE 2
- Toyota's High Strength Steel and Ultra High Strength Steel
- Step into Toyota Booth (#939)
- Quad Coat. Meet the Challenges of Four-Stage Toyota & Lexus Colors
- Realizing Shop Standards

2016 | ISSUE 3
- Making Better Repair Decisions
- OEM or Aftermarket
- Tested for QUALITY. Warranted for SATISFACTION
- Visit Toyota at SEMA Nevada
- Salvage Parts - Aren't Worth the Risk

2015 | ISSUE 3
- Stay Updated on CRR Training on Facebook and Twitter!
- RCF Carbon Fiber Repairs & Tips
- The All-New 2016 Toyota Tacoma
- To Repair or Not To Repair?
- OPS - Improving Parts Procurement, Pricing and Delivery